Thursday, January 24, 2008

Surging McCain Faces Conservative Skeptics

Breaking News
January 24, 2008

Wide-Open Gaza-Egypt Border Angers Israel

Gaza's border with Egypt is still wide open, in spite of Egyptian
promises to reseal it. As thousands of Gazans stock up on supplies,
Israel says, as the residents are getting what they need from Egypt, it
will sever all ties with the territory. 

Kenya's President, Opposition To Meet

Kenya's president and its main opposition leader were to meet for the
first time since their dispute over a presidential election set off
nationwide violence, and former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said
he would be there as a mediator. 

Surging McCain Faces Conservative Skeptics

Despite a voting record that suggests he should be in conservatives'
good graces, John McCain has strident critics within the conservative
establishment, reports Brian Montopoli. 

Bypass Better Than Stents, New Study Says

Bypass surgery remains the best option for heart patients with more than
one clogged artery, according to the first big study to compare bypass
with drug-coated stents. 

Trader Defrauds French Bank Of $7.14B

France's second largest bank, Societe Generale, has uncovered an
"exceptional" $7.14 billion fraud, all down to one futures trader who
has shaken a financial institution that was already reeling from losses
in the subprime crisis. 

Britney Spears A Hot Topic For Shrinks

Britney Spears was a hot topic of conversation at a American
Psychoanalytic Association conference last week. Many object to their
colleagues who give arm chair diagnoses of the pop star to the media.


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