Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Obama Distances Self From Indicted Donor

Breaking News
January 23, 2008

Heath Ledger Autopsy Inconclusive

The cause of Heath Ledger's death is still unknown. An autopsy on the
actor was inconclusive, and more tests are needed, the medical
examiner's office said, a day after the 28-year-old actor was found dead
in a Manhattan apartment. 

Stocks Sink Again In Early Trading

Stocks tumble after another rocky opening with investors uneasy about
the health of the economy and corporate earnings. Top House leaders will
continue talks with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson on a plan to try to
jolt the economy.


Thousands Break Through Gaza Border

Palestinian gunmen have destroyed most of the Gaza-Egypt border wall,
allowing thousands of Gazans trapped in their territory by a tight
blockade to pour into Egypt to buy food, fuel and other supplies that
have become scarce. 

Obama Distances Self From Indicted Donor

Barack Obama sought to distance himself from a real estate developer
facing federal corruption charges, saying he had no indication of any
problems when he accepted thousands of dollars in campaign contributions
from Antoin "Tony" Rezko. 

Heart Disease Killing Fewer Americans

Heart disease: It's the No. 1 killer of Americans, but Americans are
getting a lot better at fighting it according to a new study. There have
also been fewer deaths from strokes, Dr. Jon LaPook reports. 

Asia Markets Rebound On Fed's Rate Cut

Shares surged in Asian stock markets Wednesday, rebounding on the news
of a rate hike by the U.S. Federal Reserve. Investors from Hong Kong to
Tokyo have begun snapping up bargain-priced stock.

Are McCain's Border Blues Over?

John McCain is still a long way from securing the GOP nomination, but
the results in South Carolina suggest that his immigration record is not
the insurmountable obstacle it appeared to be last year, the Weekly
Standard writes. 


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