Monday, February 04, 2008

Sunday's Super Bowl Most-Watched Ever

Breaking News
February 4, 2008

Sunday's Super Bowl Most-Watched Ever

The New York Giants thrilling win over the New England Patriots was the
most-watched Super Bowl ever, with 97.5 million viewers, Nielsen Media
Research said Monday. .

Judge: Vick Can Keep $20M Signing Bonus

A federal judge has ruled that jailed quarterback Michael Vick can keep
nearly $20 million in bonus money he received from the Atlanta Falcons.
Vick received a 23-month jail sentence after pleading guilty to
dogfighting charges.

5 Guilty Of Aiding Would-Be London Bombers

A London court Monday convicted five men of helping the failed bombers
of London's transit system in 2005 evade arrest, and sentenced them to
prison terms ranging from seven to 10 years. 

Political Dynasties American As Apple Pie

Bush. Clinton. Bush. Clinton? While it would be extraordinary in U.S.
history for two families to occupy the Oval Office consecutively for
decades, political dynasties are as American as mudslinging and pork,
reports the Washington Post. .

Daytime Nap May Boost Memory

Daytime naps may boost memory by giving the brain a chance to
consolidate new knowledge, City University of New York researchers

Iran Shoots For The Stars

Iran claims to have launched a rocket carrying a research satellite into
space, but analysts have expressed doubts about previous such claims.
Regardless of exactly how far this rocket flew, Iran is making serious
moves toward the heavens. 

Google: Microsoft's Yahoo Bid "Troubling"

Google Inc. says Microsoft Corp. could use its proposed $42 billion
acquisition of Yahoo Inc. to gain illegal control over the Internet,
underscoring the online search leader's queasiness about its two biggest
rivals teaming up. 


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