Thursday, January 31, 2008

Why Ted Kennedy Didn't Endorse Clinton

Breaking News
January 31, 2008
Why Ted Kennedy Didn't Endorse Clinton

Part of the reason why Ted Kennedy embraced Barack Obama was because of
a perceived slight at the Kennedy family's civil rights legacy by the
other Democratic presidential primary frontrunner, reports the
Washington Post. 

2nd Lawmaker Shot; Kenya "In Flames"

The shooting death of a second Kenyan opposition legislator in just one
week has added fuel to the fire of ethnic fighting which as gripped the
African nation for more than a month, leaving more than 800 people dead
and thousands displaced. 

Early Wins Pay Off For Obama

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama raised $32 million in the
single month of January, matching his best three-month period last year,
aides said Thursday. 

Epsom Salts May Cut Cerebral Palsy Risk

Doctors can cut the risk of cerebral palsy in half for very premature
babies by giving their mothers magnesium sulfate, better known as Epsom
salts, just before they give birth, new research shows. 


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