Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Vytorin Study Results Cause Stocks To Sink

Breaking News
January 16, 2008


Chertoff Fears Homegrown Terrorism Abroad

U.S. Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff told the BBC that
Washington fears Europe may be a staging ground for terrorist attacks
based on how easy it is for Europeans travel to the United Sates. 

Violence-Weary Kenyans Await Aid

Kenya was getting ready, again, for mass protests across the country.
Many of the streets were filled with muddy water as heavy rain fell on
weary refugees.

Romney's Michigan Win Clouds GOP Race

Mitt Romney's win in the Michigan Republican primary on Tuesday not only
revived the former Massachusetts governor's presidential hopes, but also
further complicated a GOP race already lacking a clear front-runner. 

Apple Unveils Super Slim Laptop

Steve Jobs unveiled a super-slim laptop less than an inch thick, and
confirmed Apple's foray into online movie rentals, revealing an alliance
with all six major movie studios to offer first-run films over
high-speed Internet connections. 

Vytorin Study Results Cause Stocks To Sink

Investors continued dumping shares of Merck & Co and Schering-Plough,
after their cholesterol-drug partnership took a hit from results of a
controversial study and the fallout from its delayed release.

Cheap Talk On The Economy

The economy has become a top issue in the presidential race, but
National Review Online isn't impressed with how the candidates -
including wrongheaded Democrats and timid Republicans - are talking
about it. 


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