Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Goldman Sachs: Brace For Recession In 2008

Breaking News
January 9, 2008

9 U.S. Troops Killed In Iraq

Nine American soldiers were killed in the first two days of a new
American drive to kill al Qaeda in Iraq fighters holed up in districts
north of the capital, the U.S. military reported. 



Mitt Romney Sets Sights On Michigan

Mitt Romney is hoping to tap into the economic unease here to help
revive his presidential chances in next Tuesday's primary. In return,
Michigan is hoping to make sure he'd be a friend in the White House. 

Study: Prairie Grass Produces Ethanol

New research shows that prairie grasses grown using only moderate
amounts of fertilizer on marginal land can produce significant amounts
of ethanol.

Goldman Sachs: Brace For Recession In 2008

Get ready for the recession. That's the advice from Goldman Sachs. The
world's most profitable security firm is forecasting a contraction in
economic activity likely to last two to three quarters. It would be the
first recession in six years.


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