Sunday, January 13, 2008

Giuliani's Florida Gamble

Breaking News
January 12, 2008


Navy Fired Shots At Iranian Craft In Dec.

The U.S. Navy said Friday that one of its ships had fired warning shots
at a small Iranian boat in the Strait of Hormuz in December during one
of two serious encounters with such craft that month. 

Giuliani's Florida Gamble

Rudy Giuliani has been in self-imposed political exile, all but sitting
out early primaries to put his chips on the Sunshine State. Now the
former New York City mayor is under increasing pressure to make sure he
does not lose in Florida. 

Growth For Some, Recession For Most

Economic numbers say growth and productivity are on the rise. But the
polls show most Americans think we're already in a recession. How? The
Nation says many people have been left behind by the economy's so-called


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