Sunday, January 20, 2008

Fresh Off Win, Clinton Gears Up For S.C.

Breaking News
January 20, 2008

Fresh Off Win, Clinton Gears Up For S.C.

Democrats geared up for next weekend's primary in South Carolina. As
Hillary Clinton came off her win the Nevada caucuses, Barack Obama said
the outcome of S.C. was "absolutely critical."


Gov't Identifies Agent Killed At Border

A U.S. Border Patrol agent killed after being struck by a fleeing
vehicle along the border in southeastern California was identified as a
32-year-old husband and father of two.

McCain Defeats Huckabee, Wins S.C. Primary

John McCain won the South Carolina Republican primary Saturday, narrowly
defeating Mike Huckabee in the state that dealt a huge blow to his
presidential hopes in 2000. 

Genes Stacked Against Weight Loss?

Thousands of genes affect weight and many keep weight on, at least in
mice, say experts studying mice at the Monell Chemical Senses Center. 


SSDs, The Death Knell Of Hard Drives?

It's too early to declare the computer hard drive obsolete. But thanks
to the shrinking size of flash memory chips, it is now possible to make
full-feature laptops that store their data and programs on "solid-state
drives," or SSDs. More...


One More Year To Sell "01.20.09"

A Vermont pipe carver angry at President Bush has built a million-dollar
business around the digits "01.20.09" - the last day of the current
administration. Now the president's final year means one year left for
the booming business. 


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