Saturday, September 15, 2007

War Of Anti-War, Pro-War Protesters

Breaking News
September 15, 2007

War Of Anti-War, Pro-War Protesters

Thousands of anti-war protesters, including a sizeable contingent of
military veterans, rallied outside the White House to demand an end to
the Iraq war. They were confronted by counter-protestors who support
President Bush.

Baghdad Bomb Strikes Bakery, Killing 11

A car bomb struck a bakery crowded with customers lining up for bread to
end their daytime Ramadam fast; 11 people were killed. Meanwhile,
Islamic extremists warned Sunni tribal leaders who cooperated with the
U.S. would be hunted down and killed.

War Critics Question Obama's Fervor

Sen. Barack Obama has been a critic of President Bush's invasion of Iraq
since the beginning, but as The Washington Post reports, some antiwar
Democrats believe the presidential candidate's antiwar talk hasn't been
consistent or strong enough. 


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