Friday, January 26, 2007

Daily Briefing: Airline delays set record in '06

Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007

14 killed in central Baghdad bomb attack
A bomb hidden in a box carrying pigeons struck a crowded animal market
in central Baghdad on Friday, killing at least 14 people and wounding
dozens, officials and witnesses said.

Airline delays set record in 2006
Airline delays increased sharply last year to record highs because of a
rash of bad weather starting in the fall that shut airports and stranded
thousands of passengers.

No compromise seen on Iraq resolution
The leader of a bipartisan effort to rebuke President Bush's Iraq
said Thursday he would not strike a compromise with a harsher
resolution the Senate will debate next week. Sen. John Warner, R-Va.,
said he
won't negotiate with Democrats to develop a single proposal on Iraq.


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